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Dog Boarding vs Pet Sitting: A Comparison

Woman holding a sleeping dog on the couch

When pet parents need to find daytime or overnight care for their pets, they typically consider either in-home pet sitters or established pet boarding facilities. Even though popular online platforms have made it seem easy and convenient to find a pet sitter who will come to your home, this solution isn’t without downsides. In our many years partnering with pet resorts to provide digital marketing strategy and execution, we’ve seen the advantages of professional boarding facilities consistently outweigh the competition. Let’s compare some features of each to see why.


The staff at daycare and boarding facilities receive professional training for a variety of pet needs and situations. The combined years of experience and collaborative team-based approach give these professionals the layers of preparation needed to handle whatever may come up. In contrast, pet sitters often lack the training and qualifications they need to recognize and deal with problems that may arise, no matter how loving and compassionate they may be. Compassion and competence together are your best bet.

Stranger Danger

Welcoming a stranger into your home, especially when you’re not there, always involves risk. While the majority of pet sitters are honest and have the best interest of your pets at heart, they still have access to everything else in your house – technology, memorabilia, valuables, etc. On the other hand, professional daycare and boarding facilities are set up with the comfort and security of pets in mind, so you won’t have to wonder what’s going on at home without you.


Sometimes life happens, cars break down, or people get sick. When something disruptive happens to your pet sitter, you may be left to scramble at the last minute or worse, in the middle of your trip, to find an alternative. Thankfully, the staffing at pet resorts is configured so that if one person has an unexpected absence, there are others available to step in and make sure your pet’s care is not compromised.

Structured Supervision

Hiring a pet sitter means that he or she will stop in for visits, but the reality is that your pet will be home alone most of the time that you’re gone. And while keeping your pets at home may be convenient for you and low stress for them, you’ll both be missing out on the advantages of all day supervision. Dogs in structured daycare and overnight boarding settings with other dogs of like temperaments benefit greatly from opportunities for socialization, exercise, problem solving, and daily routines. Plus, many pet resorts offer additional services like training and grooming, so your pet can brush up on his manners during his stay, or come home nice and clean.

In conclusion, pet parents have the opportunity – and the responsibility – to weigh the pros and cons of available pet care options to find the best solution, the one that your pet truly deserves. The level of professional care, safety and enrichment offered by pet resorts can’t be matched by in-home visits from a pet sitter. When it comes to your pet’s health and happiness, choosing a trusted daycare or overnight boarding facility will provide you with peace of mind while you’re away and a happy, tail-wagging reunion when you return.